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The RRRR Pirates

The Pirates RRRR right into the r’s of waste and encourage their crew to the right thing with waste whether its recycling, reusing, reducing or rethinking what can be done to decrease the amount of rubbish that ends up in the ocean.



To raise awareness of environmental issues including pollution and plastic in the ocean and how we can reduce our negative impact on the environment.

The RRRR Pirates pdf brochure for more information.

"Just wanted to let you know what a great performance we saw today. The kids loved the show and were totally engaged and entertained throughout. Our staff commented on the quality of the performance and the message delivered in such a fun way. Please pass on our congratulations to your guys on a great job."


Karen Kent and Berry
P.S. Staff and Pupils


To book one of our shows: 
Call: 0417 433 660 or email:

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