Take Away Bellies

The Take Away Bellies was the first EGTC play and is the orgin of the name of the theatre company as the play is set in a fictious place called Eaton Gorge.
It was written to complement The Managing Energy Balance for a Longer Life Program through Illawarra Area Health. Theatre is ideal platform to re- emphasis lessons about health, nutrition and exercise and the importance of maintaining a balance.
The performance focuses on the need for active choices in healthy eating and physical activity.
The play is written about three children who have discovered that after collecting all the detachable body parts from the local fast food outlet, Johnson’s Deep Fried Pizza Burger Family Restaurants they find that they don’t have the energy or agility that they used to have and discuss what could be wrong.
The children then decide they need to do something about their fitness and physical condition and perhaps get rid of the body parts as they are slowing them down. They remove all the body parts but the belly won’t budge. Each child then goes off in a different direction to try and work out how to get rid of the take away belly.
At the conclusion of the play all the children find the answer to get rid of the bellies and learn lots of lessons along the way which are shared with the audience.
" The whole school was enthralled from kindergarten to year 6, including the special support classes, from the minute the curtain opened.
It was a joy to see the smiles on the children's faces and observe so many of them eager to participate and pay attention to the important health messages at the heart
of 'Take Away Bellies'."
Tracy Spark
Children's Nutrition Program Coordinator
To book one of our shows:
Call: 0417 433 660 or email: juliet@egtc.com.au