Eaton Gorge Theatre Company's Outdoor Shakespeare was an annual event held at the begnning of each year since 2011 til 2015. The directors of Eaton Gorge Theatre Company, Juliet Scrine & Ian McColm, have both directed and performed in the productions over the 5 years as well as casting local performers and employees of the company in both acting and production rolls.
The audience bring along picnic blankets and food and enjoy the poetic language of Shakespeare underneath a fading afternoon sky and finishing under the stars. 2015's production 'As You Like It' toured to three different locations starting with the Univeristy of Wollongong then it went to Campbeltown and finished the season at Old Governement House in Parramatta.
Unfortnately Shakespeare in the Gardens will not be returning in 2016, but look out for it might return in 2017...